In the realm of life, a poignant tale unfolds, Of souls who depart, their stories left untold. For some, their time is cut short, alas, so young, Leaving hearts shattered and songs unsung.

They bloom like flowers, vibrant and bright, But fate's cruel hand extinguishes their light. Oh, how the world weeps for dreams unfulfilled, For the youthful spirits, forever stilled.

Their laughter fades like echoes in the breeze, Leaving behind an ache that never appeases. Yet in their fleeting presence, lessons reside, Reminding us to cherish every moment's stride.

For life's brevity unveils a solemn truth, To seize the day, to love without reproof. In the face of loss, let gratitude prevail, To honor those gone, let their memories sail.

Though they've departed, their essence remains, Within our hearts, a lasting bond sustains. In the tapestry of life, their threads are sewn, Whispering love through the seeds they've sown.

So let us remember, though they're gone too soon, Their spirits endure, beneath the eternal moon. And as we carry their light, their legacy, Their essence lives on, in our hearts, so free.


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